A school came under fire recently for displaying a sign that many found to share a sexist message. The Gregory-Lincoln elementary school in Houston was preparing their school for the new year, which included displaying a quote that graced the hallway above a section of lockers. Once a photo of the quote landed online, social media blew up with messages attacking the school for sharing the sexist message with its students.
The sign in question read: “The more you act like a lady, the more he’ll act like a gentleman.”
People weighed in with comments on the quote when Houston resident Lisa Beckman tweeted a photo of it. Many, understandably, took offense to the message that a woman is responsible for a man’s actions.
Beckman wrote: “This is the wall at Gregory-Lincoln Middle School in Houston ISD. It’s perpetuating horrible gender stereotypes, shaming women, and relinquishing boys of all responsibility. It’s sexist, mysogonistic [sic], and discriminatory! I’m horrified.”
The tweet was shared and liked, earning plenty of slams for the message the school chose to display. One Twitter user noted: “’So remember girls, if he’s treating you horribly then you had it coming. Now enjoy class!’ – the people who put this up apparently.”

Another person offered this revision: “A gentleman acts like a gentleman because he chooses to act like a gentleman, no matter who he is interacting with. Fixed that for ya Gregory-Lincoln.”
One commenter noted: “Ah yes. Another impossible responsibility to heap on our girls. How about boys behave like gentlemen no matter how another acts towards them? It’s called character.”
According to a report from KTRK, the quote comes from a businesswoman named Sydney Biddle Barrows, who founded a New York escort agency and was arrested in October 1984 for promoting prostitution. She was known as the “Mayflower Madam” when New York Post reporter Peter Fearon revealed she was a descendent of three Mayflower passengers.
The school district released a statement alerting people that the message had been removed: “Please be advised that the quote on the wall of Gregory Lincoln PK-5 Education Center has been removed. Overnight, the wall decal letters were taken down, the wall was floated out, and new slab of drywall was installed and painted.”
Many people weighed in with comments on the Daily Mail‘s coverage of the quote, with one person offering: “I love men, I believe in men. And I believe they can control the way they behave regardless of how a woman presents herself. A gentleman does not require certain dress or behavior from a girl in order to act in a respectful manner.”
Others, however, believed the outrage over the quote was unwarranted, with one person noting: “Sexist? Are people out of their minds? The Millennials and their obtuse mindset is going to kill us all and end the world.”
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