Rush Limbaugh Reveals Bigger Scandal From White House Correspondents Dinner (Video)

Elder Patriot – Mark Zuckerberg, the man-child-CEO of Facebook has announced what can only be described as his intention to drive the final stake through the heart of independent publishers with his announcement yesterday:

“We put [that data] into the system, and it is acting as a boost or a suppression, and we’re going to dial up the intensity of that over time.”

Zuck tried couching his decision to end contrarian political discussion as a feel good attempt to bring people together:

“We feel like we have a responsibility to further [break] down polarization and find common ground.”

The reality is authoritarian states like China demand censorship in order to maintain control over the people.  More than 18 months ago we posited this was the course Zuck and his COO Sheryl Sandberg had set Facebook on to gain entry into the enormous Chinese market.   

Unfortunately, we now report that we have entered the final phase of free political speech on Facebook’s platform.

Zuck’s comments during a meeting with executives from BuzzFeed News, the Information, Quartz, the New York Times, CNN, the Wall Street Journal, NBC, Recode, Univision, Barron’s, the Daily Beast, the Economist, HuffPost, Insider, the Atlantic, the New York Post, and others. 

An internet search for the “and others” was fruitless leading to the conclusion conservatives were shut out – including Fox News, The Daily Caller, and Breitbart.

That conclusion likely comes with good reason – we have been targeted for extinction.  Here’s how.

Zuckerberg said that Facebook would be “investing” billions of dollars in developing artificial intelligence to assist tens of thousands of human moderators in deciding what is fake news propaganda to serve as a tool for influencing coming elections. 

Over a year ago on March 21, 2017 Patriot Crier wrote how social media giants, left unchecked by Congressional oversight, have the ability to move the vote in a massive way.  We followed with columns that reported:

Zuckerberg admits, “We’re essentially going to be losing money on doing political ads” and says that’s an attempt to avoid a repeat of the “spread of Russian propaganda in the 2016 US election.”

Word to Zuckerberg, Sandberg, and Facebook’s board members who are going along with this, by Facebook’s own admission the Kremlin spent in the vicinity of $100,000 on ads between June 2015 and May 2017.  That was it!  And, the vast majority of it was spent following the 2016 election of President Trump.

For perspective, we’re a relatively small publisher and we spent more than double that amount with Facebook over the same period of time.

That should be a wake-up call to American patriots who still believe in the sovereignty of their country.

Zuckerberg admitted they have jumped into the information war with both feet bragging, “We deployed AI tools that have taken down tens of thousands of accounts” and pointed to results in Alabama and France as proof of its success.

Alabama was a bastion of conservatism long before Facebook was conceived, likely by the Defense Advance Research Project Agency (DARPA.)  By pointing to the Alabama senate race as an example of Facebook’s success only proves the company’s power to influence election to benefit the side it chooses.

The announcement yesterday that Facebook would be ranking news organizations by trust is an admission that the legacy media has failed in its mission to convince Americans to drink the Kool-Aid.  Polling shows Americans’ trust in the mainstream media has sunk to an all-time low:

Our success, that Zuckerberg is so intent on silencing, is based on the fact that we present the news and our commentary on it in a readable, unfiltered manner, and believable manner.  Americans have always been able to discern truth from fiction when confronted with both. 

Our success, and the success of hundred of other small publishers like us, was only possible because the overwhelming majority of Americans had already dismissed the mainstream media – that Zuckerberg has committed Facebook to propping up and restoring – as a propaganda arm of the CIA and the Deep State.

In the years leading up to the American Revolution it was the pamphleteers who the British government sought to silence.  Today, we are those pamphleteers and foreign governments who have for too long fed off of your tax dollars are again trying to silence us.  Demand Congress does something.

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