Hospital Workers Notice Something Strange About These Newly Delivered Triplets [VIDEO]

A white Christian couple have strangely produced an all black triplets. The father shared the amazing story about the heartfelt piece.

In the opinion piece, Aaron Halbert wrote about the birth of his children, who he and his wife adopted as embryos.

“These sweet girls will hopefully soon be coming home to meet their 3-year-old African-American brother and 2-year-old biracial sister, both of whom we adopted as infants,” Halbert wrote.

Halbert explained that when he and his wife, Rachel, were dating, they bonded over a desire to adopt — not because of an inability to have children, but out of a need to live their lives to the fullest as pro-life Christians:

“When we began the adoption process we knew race could play a major role in our family dynamics, which led us to ponder deeply what a racially diverse family would look like. We believe when you look into any human’s eyes, you look into the face of an image-bearer of God – into the eyes of a person whose soul is eternal. While that is the common thread of all humanity, it doesn’t mean our racial differences are insignificant. We see the human family’s varying physical characteristics as awesome reminders of God’s creative brilliance. It’s not that we think race doesn’t exist, or that we don’t see it. In fact, it’s the opposite – we see it, and we embrace it.”

“There is something beautiful and enriching being the only white face sitting and chatting with some of my African-American friends as my son gets his hair cut on a Saturday morning. There is also something wonderful in the relationship that is built as my wife asks a black friend on Facebook how to care for our little biracial daughter’s hair. The beauty of a multi-ethnic family is found there, in the fact that the differences are the very thing that make ours richer and fuller. It forces you to think in a new way about the way you think, speak, act and live.”

Halbert wrote that the two embryos were planted in September 2015. Six weeks later, while the couple was in Honduras working as missionaries, they learned that the transfer was successful.

They were surprised to learn, however, that one of the embyros had split in two, and Rachel was pregnant with triplets:

“I felt sheer delight during this pregnancy watching my son and daughter, with his dark brown skin and her with the ringlet hair and slightly tan skin, kiss my white wife’s growing belly. Each evening they said good night to those three growing little girls in her belly, and now they get to finally say sweet dreams to their baby sisters — face-to-adorable-face.”

“This is not the way we planned it 12 years ago when we were dating and talking about adoption, but oh, how thankful we are for God blessing us with these sweet little ones He has placed in our care. I can remember a friend going through the adoption process telling me he had always wanted his family to look like a little United Nations. As I look at my growing family, I prefer to take it a step further, daring to hope that our family picture is a little hint of Heaven.”

Halbert’s piece quickly went viral, and Daily Mail readers praised the couple for their commitment and effort in building a family.

“Lovely family,” one reader commented. “Best of luck to them. Five little ones is going to be a handful!”

“A beautiful story,” another wrote.


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