Teenager Harasses Mom On Subway, Quickly Learns Why That Was A BIG Mistake

An intense video showed the moment a woman being harassed by a teen on the subway decided to take matters into her own hands. In the video (below), the woman can be seen arguing with the teen as other passengers on the subway look on. The male teen gets in the woman’s face, though she remains unintimidated. The teen then proceeds to push the woman, prompting her to pull out a can of pepper spray and spray him in the face. The teen then grabs his eyes and screams in pain as the other passengers watch.

The clip quickly went viral after being posted on Facebook, garnering tens of thousands of likes and shares in just a few days. “She did not instigate she warned, the kid was already threatening her… learn the difference and stop enabling these kids to be bullies whole complaining about it in schools,” one commenter wrote on Inquisitr.