Mexican Thug SHOT DEAD By Store Employee During Robbery Attempt

CANDLER –  Authorities in western North Carolina say a 21-year-old man was fatally shot while robbing a Mexican grocery store.

The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office says deputies found Darwin Villatoro lying on the ground near Tienda Mexicana in Candler about 8:30 p.m. Friday after a store employee called 911. The Asheville resident was pronounced dead at the scene.

The sheriff’s office says the employee who called 911 told deputies a robber brandished a gun, and the two exchanged gunfire.

The caller was not injured. He said the robber came in wearing a ski mask and glasses.

The Citizen Times (USA Network) reports in Candler, North Carolina 12-24-2016, authorities in western North Carolina say a 21-year-old man was fatally shot while robbing a Mexican grocery store. A store employee fatally shot the armed robber.

The Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office says deputies found the suspect lying on the ground near Tienda Mexicana in Candler about 8:30 p.m.

A store employee called 911. The Asheville resident was pronounced dead at the scene. The sheriff’s office says the employee who called 911 told deputies a robber brandished a gun, and the two exchanged gunfire.

The caller was not injured. He said the robber came in wearing a ski mask and glasses. At the time, no other customers in the store, which sells Mexican and South American food.

Darwin Villatoro, 21
Darwin Villatoro, 21


Nice. The criminal picked the wrong place to rob! A pretty cut and dried case, when they come in with a mask and a firearm, shooting in self-defense is a clear and correct choice.

This is where practicing with your firearm pays huge dividends. No time to fumble around with your holster or your firearms’ safety controls.

The smooth, fast, well-practiced, draw and engage wins most every time!

Slow is Smooth

The recommendation from top instructors across the nation is to practice drawing from concealment and presenting your firearm routinely.


In the early stages, start slowly so that you are conscious of each step in the process:


  • Reach for your handgun.
  • Grab it with a firm grip.
  • Keep your trigger finger outside of the trigger guard.
  • Make sure that the muzzle is pointed in a safe direction.
  • Extend your hand to a firing position.
  • Bring your non-shooting hand over for support.
  • Obtain a sight picture on your target.
  • Place your finger on the trigger.
  • Fire the pistol.


This may seem slow and monotonous, and it should. Practice this concealed carry draw technique from as many different shooting positions as possible. As you practice, be sure to take it slowly, almost as if you are exaggerating each step—but do so in a way that the movements become fluid. Performing each movement slowly and consciously will allow you to enhance your muscle memory and tweak any areas that need work for the perfect draw.

Smooth is Fast


When a concealed carry permit holder finds themselves in a stressful life or death situation, they will not rise to some high level of competence. Instead, stress and adrenaline will overload the body and thought processes. Fine motor skills go out the window, hastily thought out plans will be forgotten, and the CCW holder will fall back to whatever their level of training is. In critical situations, we will act reflexively and instinctively.


After hundreds of repetitions in practice, each of the steps in the draw technique described above will become faster. What we are building here is muscle memory and training ourselves for the proper draw from concealment to be as quick as a reflex. Practice, practice, practice.

Drawing From Under a Garment


clearing garment draw

Typically, most people do not walk around with an exposed handgun. The key to concealed carry is concealment. Even in warm weather, a light cover garment such as a wind breaker or a button down shirt is ideal to add a layer of concealment. Depending upon your holster type and attire, you may need to draw from beneath a jacket. Like everything related to responsible concealed carry, we recommend that you incorporate these technique into your training.


If your garment is open, there are two main draw techniques: the “HK” technique and the “Hook” technique. There are others, but this is a good place to begin your practice.


  • The HK Technique: Place your shooting hand on your chest and drag your fingers down across your torso with the palm facing your body. Brush the garment back with your fingers as the hand travels in a downward motion. Then quickly grab your handgun and proceed through the basic draw steps detailed above.
  • The Hook Technique: As implied in the name, this draw technique requires you to make a hook shape with your shooting hand. Pull back the jacket near the grip of your gun. With the garment pulled back, you can access your weapon.


While a closed garment may result in slower access to the handgun, it usually provides greater concealment. The basic clearing technique for a close garment is a little trickier, requiring the use of both hands. There are one-handed techniques, but these are difficult for beginners to master.


  • The Hackathorn Rip: Reach across your body with your support hand to rapidly pull the concealment garment above your handgun and holster. Be sure you grab the garment from the back and not the front, as grabbing from the front may not provide enough clearance above the holster to access your weapon. With the garment raised, grip the handgun and keep holding the garment with your support hand until the weapon is fully drawn (to avoid catching mid-draw).


Read more tips on concealed drawing: Here

Source: AmmoLand
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

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