“NO REGRETS”: Inmate Who Beat The Piss Out Of Jared Fogle Says Sorry, Not Sorry

Steve Nigg, the 61-year-old man who attacked Jared Fogle in prison, says he has no regrets about beating up the child molester, even though it earned him some more time on his sentence.

The disgraced Subway spokesman, who is doing 15 years for child porn and soliciting sex with minors, was apparently treated as a “god” at the Colorado prison by other child molesters. Nigg didn’t like that and says that’s why he attacked him, according to a letter obtained by TMZ.

“Jared is their hero,” Nigg wrote in the letter. “You would not believe how arrogant Jared was. He hired bodyguards and the other child molesters looked at him as if he was a god.”

Nigg beat up the former Subway spokesman last year leaving him with a bloody nose, a swollen face and some other marks, TMZ reported. He was later moved from the Colorado prison to another one in Oklahoma.

Nigg admitted in the letter that he lost some of the time he had wiped off his sentence for good behavior after he beat up the child molester. He also had to spend “many months in the hole, plus the loss of commissary and email,” he added, but still “I have no regrets.”
